Unit 1: Introducing the Course
- Meeting the Prerequisites
- Understanding the Course Format
- Reviewing the Course Outline
Unit 2: Introducing ColdFusion
- Understanding Dynamic HTML generation
- Introducing the ColdFusion Language
- Introducing the ColdFusion Administrator
- Working with ColdFusion Data Sources
- Walkthrough 1: Configuring ColdFusion
Unit 3: Getting Started with ColdFusion Builder
- Understanding the Relationship between Eclipse and ColdFusion Builder
- Exploring the ColdFusion Builder Interface
- Creating a project and your first application
- Debugging Applications
- Accessing help in ColdFusion Builder
- Using Advanced Features
- Walkthrough 1: Creating a Project
Unit 4: Learning ColdFusion Fundamentals
- Creating ColdFusion Variables
- Walkthrough 1: Creating Local Variables
- Using variables from HTML forms
- Displaying variable values
- Walkthrough 2: Outputting variables to the screen
- Commenting Code
- Branching with IF statements
- Walkthrough 3: Using conditional logic
- Reusing code with <cfinclude>
- Walkthrough 4: Using <cfinclude> to include a page header
Unit 5: Publishing Database Content
- Connecting to a Database
- Querying a Database Table
- Viewing Debug Data
- Dumping a Recordset to a Browser
- Walkthrough 1: Creating a query and dumping the data
- Displaying Database Data
- Walkthrough 2: Displaying Database Data
- Using the Resultset Structure Data
- Introducing CurrentRow
- Using URL Data in Dynamic Queries
- Walkthrough 3: Building a dynamic query
- Creating Dynamic SQL for Multiple Search Criteria
- Query Parameters and Caching
- Walkthrough 4: Add query params and caching
Unit 6: Working with Complex Variable Types
- Using ColdFusion functions
- Walkthrough 1: Displaying the current date
- Looping over data
- Working with lists
- Walkthrough 2: Working with lists
- Working with Arrays
- Walkthrough 3: Displaying information using an array
- Working with structures
- Walkthrough 4: Using an array of structures
Unit 7: Introducing ColdFusion Components
- Reusing code
- Using Custom Tags
- Walkthrough 1: Using Custom Tags
- Creating User Defined Functions
- Walkthrough 2: Searching for content using a User Defined Funciton
- Introduction to components
- Walkthrough 3: Creating a Component
Unit 8: Introduction to Object Oriented ColdFusion
- Creating Instance Based Components
- Caching Instances in memory
- Walkthrough 1: Create a component
- Understanding Component Variables and Scopes
- Walkthrough 2: Creating a constructor with arguments
- Adding methods to a component
- Using property getters and setters
- Walkthrough 3: Adding methods and properties
Unit 9: Using the Application Framework
- Addressing the Web's Statelessness
- Using the Application Framework
- Configuring Application Settings
- Walkthrough 1: Configuring application settings
- Working with ColdFusion's scopes
- Handling Application Events
- Walkthrough 2: Handling Application Events
- Handling Request Events
- Walkthrough 3: Responding to Request Events
- Locking Shared Scope Variables
- Handling Session Events
- Using Session Events
- Using onServerStart() and applicationStop()
Unit 10: Tags Galore
- Using <cfmap> to generate a Google Map
- Walkthough 1: Adding a map
- Using <cfspreadsheet> to create an Excel spreadsheet
- Walkthrough 2: Creating a Spreadsheet
- Creating PDF files with <cfdocument>
- Walkthrough 3: Creating a PDF file
- Using <cfimage> to dynamically construct an image
- Walkthrough 4: Adding CAPTCHA to a form
- Using <cfmediaplayer> to play video
- Walkthrough 5: Adding video
- Working with <cfform>
- Walkthrough 6: Adding data validation to a form
- Working with the File System - <cffile> and <cfdirectory>
- Walkthrough 7: Adding images to an application
- Sending electronic mail with <cfmail>
- Walkthrough 8: Generating mail
- Using <cfprogressbar>
- Using <cfmessagebox>