Throughout our careers, we encounter many situations when we could benefit from unbiased advice. We may be in the process of choosing a career, deciding whether or not we should change careers or jobs, re-entering the workforce, job hunting, or recovering from a job loss. We come to the realization that this is an overwhelming process and we want and need some help.
A good career development professional can help you explore career options, can inform you of labor market trends, and can assess your skills, interests, and work related values. A career development professional can help you sharpen your job search skills, and can help you learn how to move up the corporate ladder.
Whether you are beginning your IT career or you are changing platforms in IT, you can talk to one of our specialized career counselors and get guidance as to what will fit you the best and help you grow to become successful in IT and is intended for the provision of services in assisting with better preparations for seeking proper opportunities in the IT job market
At Silicon Technologies we,
- Educate
- Inspire
- Transform
……. and develop and deliver top quality IT consultants.
Our Career Counseling Process
Our Career Development Process
Our Career Counseling Process
Career Assessment/Identifying “Best Fit” IT Career.
Identify “best fit” IT careers for your skills, interests, values and personality. Identify key factors to find career satisfaction and success. Formal career and assessment instruments are available.
Interviewing/Networking/Job Hunting Strategies.
Develop a plan to find the right job more efficiently. Learn the best and worst strategies for job hunting. Understand effective approaches for networking and interviewing. Learn effective strategies and skills about Interviewing.
Changing Careers.
Decide whether it’s really in your best interest overall to change careers. Get support in identifying meaningful and realistic possibilities. Learn to investigate the realities of the various career options, and how to transition into the new career or how to identify the right educational/training program.
Resume Development.
Learn what really works with prospective employers. Develop, write and/or edit an effective resume. Understand how to tailor the resume to specific positions. Create cover letters that get you in the door and get you noticed. You resume is first impression you can make in achieving a successful job.
Career Issues/Performance/Executive Coaching.
Improve your job and career management performance. Receive problem-solving ideas and support in resolving on-the-job issues. Prepare for performance evaluations.
On-the-job Issue Resolution.
While working as a IT professional in today’s demanding market, it can be stressful and very challenging to come up with solutions and answers. We provide a resource network of mentors, professionals and Senior
Our Career Development Process
True career development is a process that moves from self-awareness to career management. It involves knowing yourself (skills, interests, work values, personality), gathering information (about prospective careers and employers, goal integration, job search strategies and job management development. Identifying and translating this information is the key to personal fulfillment and career success.
Starts with personal, inner exploration to help you understand key factors that will keep you connected to your work in a meaningful way. By integrating your personality, skills, values, and interests you will be in a better position to create a work-life that will allow you to express yourself fully. Work needs to fit your personality and knowing yourself is the first step in this process.
Industry Research
Effective career planning requires occupational information about the current job market, specific career opportunities and industry trends. Through print materials and Internet sources, you can expand your knowledge about job titles, job functions, and the realities of various career options
Goal Clarification
Integrates self-information with current job market information. It is here that you identify and focus on a specific career direction.
Job Search.
Learn how to package and market yourself effectively. Understand and learn the most effective job search strategies including developing a resume which generates interviews, writing an effective cover letter, networking and interviewing.
Career Management
Understand the politics of organizations and interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Improve communication skills and work strategies, adopt a flexible approach to managing change. |