IBM Mainframes Online Training Course Content
INTRODUCTION TO THE MAINFRAME CONCEPTS Introduction to IBM Mainframe Systems IBM Mainframe Architecture Data and Job Management Operating Systems TSO, ISPF COBOL (COMMON BUSINESS ORIENTED LANGUAGE) Introduction to COBOL and its versions COBOL Program Structure Field Declaration – Data Types COBOL Statements - ACCEPT - DISPLAY - MOVE - INITIALIZE - IF Statement - EVALUATE - STRING and UNSTRING - COPY - COMPUTE - PERFORM - REDEFINES - RENAMES - Computational Usages - STOP RUN, GOBACK, EXIT PROGRAM - EXAMINE, INSPECT COBOL programming using Sequential, Indexed and Relative files COBOL Report generation programming Real-time Programs using files COBOL programming with arrays Using arrays in programs with SEARCH & SEARCH ALL Subscripting & Indexing Sorting & Merging Resolving File Status codes and abends Coding Real-time Programs JCL (JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE) JCL – Batch Processing (JES2 & JES3) JOB, EXEC and DD statements – Parameters JOBLIB, STEPLIB and JCLLIB Symbolic & Overriding parameters In stream & Cataloged Procedures RESTART, PARM, COND, Refer back, DUMMY, and TYPRUN Temporary Datasets IBM Utilities GDG and its uses Sorting & Merging files Reformatting file data INCLUDE, OMIT JCL Errors and resolving abends Coding Real-time JCLs Db2 (Database2) Db2-Database concepts Db2 Organization Table spaces, Tables, Views, Indexes, Synonyms, Aliases Using SQL Queries DDL (CREATE, ALTER, DROP) DML (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) DCL (GRANT & REVOKE) Group By, Having, Order By Joins & Unions Sub-queries DCLGEN, SPUFI and QMF Db2 Utilities NULLS - Null Indicators Cursors and Types SQLCA Db 2 Program Preparation Pre-compilation BIND – Packages & Plans Db2 Locking and Concurrency Locking Modes Isolation Levels Commit & Rollback Constraints Db2 Performance issues and tuning techniques SQLCODES and resolving abends COBOL – Db2 Real-time Programming VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) Introduction to VSAM VSAM Datasets – ESDS, KSDS, RRDS Space Management Alternate Indexes Dataset Structures Defining Clusters IDCAMS – Repro, Print, Alter, Delete START, INVALID KEY Accessing VSAM files from COBOL IBM Mainframe Course Content File status codes and abend codes Coding Programs using VSAM files CICS (Customer Information Control System) Introduction to CICS Batch vs. online systems CICS System tables Triggering CICS transactions Conversational and Pseudo-conversational Programming BMS Macros – Maps and Map sets CICS commands EIB Commarea Exceptional conditions Handle condition & RESP Ignore Condition TDQs and TSQs Return, XCTL and LINK ASKTIME, FORMATTIME, START, ATI, CANCEL CICS Abend codes and resolutions Coding Online programs using COBOL, CICS, VSAM and Db2 Tools File-Aid for files & Db2 Changeman / Endevor Expeditor Other related courses PL/1 Programming IMS DB Programming |