Visual Basic 6 (VB6) Online Training Course Content

Part 1 Introduction to the VB Environment
Visual Basic Overview & Terminology
Event driven programming
VB Programming Environment
Part 2 Creating the User Interface
Building the User Interface
Creating an Application
Building Menus
Part 3 VB Programming Language
Event Handling
Using Properties
Naming Conventions
Variable Scope
User Defined Types
Continuation Statements
Assignment Statements
Loops & Decision structures

  1. If.......Then.......Else
  2. Do...Loop, For, While,Exiting a loop
  3. Message Boxes (Msgbox)
  4. Input Boxes (Inputbox)
  5. Sub-Routines and Procedures

Part 4 Error handling and debugging
Error Handling

  1. Introduction
  2. Trappable Errors
  3. On Error...
  4. Resume
  5. Error Handlers

Err, Error and Error$()

  1. Avoid Variable Name Errors
  2. Setting Your Own Error Codes
  3. Simulating A Visual Basic Error
  4. Catering for Unexpected Errors
  5. Delayed Error Handling
  6. Turning Off Error Handling
  7. Function Specific Error
  8. Procedures

Debugging your code

  1. Using the Debug Window Passively
  2. Using the Debug Window Actively

Interactive Debugging Tools

  1. Stepping Through Code
  2. Breakpoints
  3. Watches
  4. Instant Watch
  5. The Calls Window
  6. Set Next

Part 5 Working with more advanced controls
File management
ActiveX custom controls

  1. Tree view and List view
  2. Common dialog
  3. Masked edit
  4. Status Bars
  5. Toolbars

Part 6 More About Controls
Using Control Arrays
Using the Controls Collection
Working with Object Variables
Part 7 Database use in Visual Basic
Database Use in VB

  1. Database Types
  2. Database connectivity styles

The ActiveX Data Control

  1. Intro to ActiveX Data objects
  2. Database connection using ADO
  3. ADO Recordsets
  4. Disconnected Recordsets

Data Bound Controls

  1. DataGrid
  2. DataList
  3. DataCombo

The Data Form wizard
Visual Data Access Tools

  1. Data Environment
  2. Designer Data View Window

Multiple-User Issues
External Databases
ODBC Databases
MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) and ADO
Part 8 Using Dynamic-Link Libraries
Introduction to DLLs
Declaring DLLs
Calling DLLs
Providing Callback Procedures
Part 9: ActiveX
The Component Object Model (COM)
ActiveX Clients

  1. Implementing Automation
  2. Characteristics of Servers
  3. Creating a Client
  4. Receiving Notifications from Servers

Creating ActiveX Servers

  1. Introduction to ActiveX Components
  2. Creating Objects
  3. ActiveX Code Components
  4. Registering a Sever
  5. Server Events
  6. Building Interfaces
  7. Additional Features of Code Components

Creating ActiveX Controls

  1. Introduction to Controls
  2. Creating the Control's User Interface
  3. Testing
  4. Exposing Properties, Methods, and Events
  5. Creating Property Pages
  6. Data Binding
  7. Distributing

Using ActiveX Components on a Web Page

  1. Overview
  2. Downloading Controls
  3. HTML Scripting
  4. Setting Initial Control Properties

Creating and Using ActiveX Documents

  1. Introduction to ActiveX Documents
  2. ActiveX Document Projects
  3. Testing and Debugging
  4. Multiple Documents
  5. The User Interface and User Documents

Creating Internet-Aware Applications

    • Using Sockets (Winsock)
    • Internet Transfer Control
    • Web Browser Control
    • Automation with Internet Explorer
    • Personal Web Server
    • IIS
    • DHTML