- Chapter 1: Getting Started with Perl
- What is Perl?
- Where Can I Get Perl?
- A Simple Perl Program
- Simple I/O
- Perl Variables
- Control Flow - Decisions
- Control Flow - Loops
- Altering Loop Control Flow
- Statement Modifiers
- What Is True And What Is False?
- The Special Variable $_
- Chapter 2: Perl Operators
- Introduction
- Table Of Perl Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- String Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Assignment Operators
- The Conditional Operator
- Range Operator
- String Functions
- The eval Function
- Introduction
- String Literals
- The print Function
- Here Documents
- The printf Function
- The sprintf Function
- Filehandles
- Opening Disk Files
- File Open Errors
- The die and warn Functions
- File Operators
- Basic Concepts
- Assigning Values To An Array
- Accessing Array Elements
- Array Functions
- push and pop
- shift
- sort, reverse, and chop
- split and join
- grep
- splice
- Command Line Arguments
- Chapter 5: Associative Arrays
- Basic Concepts
- Associative Array Functions
- Updating Associative Arrays
- Accessing Environment Variables
- Calling Subroutines
- Passing Arguments to Subroutines
- Returning Values from Subroutines
- The require Function
- Packages and Modules
- The @INC Array
- Predefined Subroutines
- Comparison Subroutines for Sorting
- Chapter 7: Pattern Matching and Regular Expressions
- Introduction
- Regular Expression Syntax
- The Match Operator
- Regular Expression Meta-Characters
- Anchors
- Single Character Matches
- Some Special Issues
- Character Classes
- Multiple Character Matches
- Alternation
- The Substitution Operator
- The Translation Operator
- Chapter 8: Accessing System Resources
- Introduction
- File and Directory System Calls
- The stat Function
- The utime Function
- The fork Function
- The exec and wait Functions
- Handling Signals
- The system Function
- Command Substitution
- Opening Pipe Files
- Chapter 9: Generating Reports with Perl
- Formats
- Formatting Examples
- Multi-Line Values
- Multi-Line Text Blocks
- Sending a Report to a File
- The select Function
- The Special Variable $~
- Top-of-Page Formats
- Bottom-of-Page Formats
- A Sample Report
- What is CGI?
- Web Servers and Browsers
- HTML Forms
- Form Elements
- A Typical CGI Application
- CGI Input
- CGI Output
- Using the CGI.pm Module
- CGI Environment Variables