Data Warehousing Basic Concepts
- Data Warehouse Definition,
- Characteristics of DWH
- OLTP Vs OLAP Databases
Architecture of Date Warehouse
- Process flow In DWH
- Components of Architecture
- Source, Integration Layer, Staging Area, ODS.
- Technical Architecture of Back Room
- Architecture of Front Room
- Infrastructure Metadata
Implementation Methodology
- Kimball Methodology
- Inmon Methodology
Types of Loads
- First Time Load
- Full Load
- Incremental Load
Data Marts and Star Schema Design
- Definition of Star Schema
- Data Marts Reasons for Construction
- Replacement of Data Mart With Warehouse
- Design process
- Design of Dimension and Facts
- Snow Flake Star Schema
- Summary Tables
- Slowly Changing Dimensions
- Non Additive Facts
- Conformed Dimensions
- Overview of Business Analysis
- Introduction to OBIEE
- Importance and features of the tool
- Overview of Oracle BI Components
- Gather information to start building Business Model
- Architecture of OBIEE
- Create OBDC Connections
- Importing a data source
- Defining Keys and Joins
- Defining the Repository logical Structure
- Measures
- Building simple Fact Measures
- Customizing the presentation Catlog
- Testing the repository
- Checking Consistency
- Importing Additional Product Tables
- Creating Multiple Sources for a logical Table source
- Specifying the Most Economical Source
- Creating Calculation Measures using Logical columns
- Creating Calculation Measures using Physical columns
- Creating Calculation Measures using Calculation Wizard
- Creating Level Based Measures
- Define Share Measure and Rank Measures
- Partition
- Types of Partitions
- Modeling a Value Based Partition
- Using Dynamic Repository Variables
- Time Series functions
- Creating Users and Groups
- Assigning permissions to users
- Security
- Object Level Security
- Data Level Security
- Setting Query Limits
- Cache Management
- Introduction to Cache
- Cache Features
- Modifying Cache Parameters
- Purge the Cache
- Report developer
- Introduction to Reports
- Different views
- Dashboard
- Creating and Modifying Reports
- Creating Dashboards
- Dash boards pages
- Working with dash board objects
- Working with filters and prompts
- Guided Navigation Links
- Introduction to BI Publisher