SAP FICO Online Training Course Content

Theory  - (1 Hour)

  1. Basic Settings: (3 Hours)
  2. Define Company
  3. Define Company code
  4. Assign Company code to company
  5. Define Segment
  6. Define Chart of accounts (T-Code: OB13)
  7. Assign company code to chart of accounts (T-Code: OB62)
  8. Define Account groups (T-Code: OBD4)
  9. Define Retained earnings account (T-Code: OB53)
  10. Define Fiscal year (T-Code: OB29)
  11. Assign company code to Fiscal year variant (T-Code: OB37)
  12. Posting periods (T-Code OBBO, OBBP & OB52)
  13. Document types and number range (T-Code OBA7)
  14. Field status variant and field status groups
  15. Assign Company code to Field status variance
  16. Tolerance groups
  17. Define Tax Procedure (1 Hour)
  18. Assign Country to Calculation procedure
  19. Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases
  20. Assign Tax Codes for Non-Taxable transactions
  21. Maintain Controlling area (OKKP)
  22. Maintain Controlling area settings
  23. Classify GL accounts for Document splitting
  24. Activate Document splitting
  25. Activate New General ledger accounting
  26. Enter Global parameters


  1. General Customization: (3 Hours)
  2. Basics
  3. Sample Document
  4. Foreign Currency (FC) Transactions
  5. Hold Document
  6. Recurring Document
  7. Month end Provisions
  8. Document Parking
  9. Reversals


  1. Create Ledger accounts
  2. Create Profit Centers
  3. Posting of Transaction
  4. View Documents
  5. View Account Balance





  1. Accounts Payable Customization: (2 Hours)
  2. Creation of Vendor account groups
  3. Create Number ranges for Vendor accounts
  4. Assign Number ranges to Vendor account group
  5. Define Tolerance for Vendors
  6. Create 2 GL Masters
  7. Inventory Raw Material                            -               under Current Assets, Loans and Advances
  8. Sundry Creditors-Raw Material                -               under Current Liabilities & Provisions
  9. Creation of Vendor Master       - Assign Sundry Creditors-Raw Material reconciliation account
  10. Document type and Number range
  11. KR  - Vendor Invoice
  12. KZ  - Vendor Payment
  13. KA - Vendor Document for transfers/reversals
  14. Posting Keys

31   - Vendor Credit
25   - Vendor Debit
              14) Terms of Payment (1 Hour)

End User area for AP (3 Hour)

  1. Purchase Invoice Posting, View Vendor Account sub-ledger balance/transactions, View Sundry Creditors Account General Ledger balance/transactions
  2. Outgoing payment with clearing, View Vendor Account sub-ledger balance/transactions, View Sundry Creditors Account General Ledger balance/transactions
  3. Manual check creation
  4. Display Check Register
  5. Down Payment to Vendors
  6. Automatic Payment Program


  1. Accounts Receivable Customization: (1 Hour)

Basic Settings for AR

  1. Creation of Customer accounts group
  2. Create Number ranges for Customer accounts
  3. Assign Number ranges for Customer accounts group
  4. Create 2 GL Masters
  5. Sundry Debtors    A/C                         - under Current Assets, Loans and Advances
  6. Sales A/C                                              - under Sales
  7. Creation of Customer Master   - Assign Sundry Debtors reconciliation account
  8. Document type and Number range

DR  - Customer Invoice
DZ  - Customer Payment
DA - Customer Document for transfers/reversals

  1. Posting Keys

01   - Customer Debit
15   - Customer Credit

End User area for AR (1 Hour)

  1. Posting of Sales Invoice
  2. View Customer Account sub-ledger balance/transactions
  3. View Sundry Debtors Account General Ledger balance/transactions
  4. Incoming payment with clearing
  5. View Customer Account sub-ledger balance/transactions
  6. Down-payment Receipts from Customers  
  1. Interest Calculation (1 Hour)
  2. Dunning (1 Hour)
  3. Foreign Currency (1 Hour)
  4. Open Item Management


  1. Asset Accounting: (4 Hour)


  1. Copy reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas
  2. Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code
  3. Specify Account Determination
  4. Create Screen lay-out rules
  5. Define Number Range Intervals
  6. Define Asset Classes
  7. Define Screen lay-out for Asset Master data
  8. Define Screen lay-out for Asset Depreciation Areas
  9. Determine Depreciation areas in the Asset class
  10. Creation  General ledger Masters
  11. Assignment of Accounts for automatic postings
  12. Specify Document type for posting of depreciation
  13. Specify Intervals and posting rules
  14. Specify rounding of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation
  15. Creation of Depreciation Keys
  16. Define Base methods
  17. Define Decline Balance methods
  18. Define Multi level methods
  19. Maintain Period Control methods
  20. Maintain Depreciation key

End user area

  1. Creation of Main Asset Master
  2. Creation of Sub-Asset Master
  3. Purchase of Asset
  4. Main Asset Purchased Posting
  5. Sub-Asset Purchased Posting
  6. View each Sub-Asset wise year wise values
  7. View all Assets for particular period
  8. Depreciation Run
  9. Depreciation run
  10. Planned Posting run
  11. Repeat
  12. Restart
  13. Unplanned posting run
  14. Sale of Asset
  15. Make Asset retirement field as required entry for Field Status Group G052-Accounting for Fixed Assets retirement
  16. Asset Sale
  1. Asset Scrapping
  2. Check Motor Value as on today
  3. Asset Scrapping
  4. View document posted


  1. Controlling: (4 Hours)
  2. Basic Settings
  3. Maintain Controlling Area
  4. Maintain Number ranges for Controlling Documents
  5. Maintain Versions for Budgets
  6. Cost Element Accounting

Cost Elements are required to update CO records/sub module
There are 2 types of Cost Elements, they are

  1. Primary Cost Elements
  2. Secondary Cost Elements
  3. Cost Center Accounting

This is used to view department wise Costs.

  1. Creation of primary cost elements, we can create
  2. At FI area
  3. At CO area
  4. Automatic creation of primary Cost elements at CO implementation
  5. Creation of Secondary Cost elements
  6. Display cost elements created
  7. Creation of Filed Status Group by making cost center required entry field
  8. Assign new Filed Status Group in GL expenditure accounts
  9. Creation of cost centers.
  10. Creation of cost center groups.
  11. Creation of cost element groups
  12. Posting of transaction in FI
  13. Reports
    • Internal Orders (2 Hours)
    • Profit Center (1 Hour)
    • Integration with MM (2 Hours)
    • Integration with SD (2 Hours)
    •  Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet (1 Hour)
    • LSMW (1 Hour)
    • ASAP Methodology (1 Hour)
    • Transport Request (1 Hour)
    • New GL
    • Validation and Substitution (1 Hour)
    • Technical names of the field and table details – How to see the table