1.Introduction to CRM
2.Introduction to Siebel NS
•Siebel Apps
•Siebel worker apps
•Siebel client apps
3.Important Business Entities in Siebel
4.Siebel Tools
•Intro to Siebel devices
•Tools structural design
•Object Layer for data, for business, Logical User Interface, Physical User Interface
•Configuring Screens, Views, Applets, Links (1: M and M: M)
•Web guides
•Strides in making Joins
•Implicit as well as Explicit Joins
•Join requirement
•Configuring User Properties, Pick Lists, Pick Applets, MVG Applets, Association Applets
•Inert Pick List
•Active Pick List
•Hierarchical Pick List
•Restraint Pick List
•Drill Downs
•Still Downs
•Active Downs
•Import in addition to Export SIF’s
•Data Validation handlings
5.Siebel e Scripts
•Intro to Scripting
•e Script techniques
•Server Scripts Vs Browser Scripts
•Siebel Objects Writing scripts
6. Siebel Workflows
•Workflow procedure managing
•Workflow raises
•Semantic Events
7.Server Concepts
8.Connecting to Different Siebel Databases
9.Some Important Files in Siebel
•Installation of Siebel Client, Tools as well as Sample Database
11.Siebel distant management |